I strongly believe that any game, board game, or card game lives and dies by its community. If a game doesn't have a supporting community around it, then there is no one to share your excitement with. Especially for a game like Star Wars: Unlimited.
There currently is already a very good and nice community that can be found on Discord, but I wanted to take it a step further. What if we have a site where you can create your decks, share them with anyone, and easily search for the cards that you want. I think this is a valuable addition to the community and will only help bring in more people to the game.
But what exactly does this website do? I'll take you through the main features that this website has to over and I hope you'll give it a try.
Cards, all the cards
What would a database website be without cards? All cards that we currently know about are on the website. You can easily navigate there through the main menu. On the card overview page, you'll see all the cards. You can filter them or search for specific cards with the search bar. Or maybe you just want to scroll through them and see what catches your eye.
If you have found a card that you are interested in, click on it and it'll take you to its detail screen. Here you can find all the information about the card.
Deck building
Deck building is a big part of Star Wars: Unlimited. After all, you'll need a deck to play against someone else. This site is able to help two kinds of people with that. Some people will love building their decks and trying out new things. Here you can easily build your own deck with all the cards that have been released so far. Create it, show it off to someone else, and get the conversation going! You can always edit your deck later if you are logged in. We don't restrict you to any logins. You can create a deck without being logged in, but if you want to edit those decks later on, you'll want to create an account.
And we also have something for the kind of player that doesn't like deckbuilding. Deckbuilding can take quite some time and maybe you just like playing the game more than trying to create your own deck. On this website, you can easily see the decks that other people are using. Find a deck that seems interesting to you, maybe you want to find a deck with a certain leader and try it out.
SW-Unlimited-db also allows you to easily export your deck and use it wherever you want. Currently, you are able to print your own proxies of your deck to easily give it a go and see how it performs. Or export it to TableTopSimulator to try it out in an online match against someone else. In the future, the list of export options will most likely increase with even more cool features!
The future
This site has an exciting future ahead of it. There are still a lot of features that I want to add to this website, but most importantly, I would like to know what you want. This is not a website for one person, this is a website for a community, a community website. And that means that I want to know the opinions of the community. If you have any suggestions, then please reach out to me on Discord (Patrick | sw-unlimited-db.com in the official Discord).
That is all for today. I hope to be able to write some more articles about Star Wars: Unlimited in the future. For now, please give the website a try.
Happy gaming!