By paroygaming
Normal Deck
Sabine Wren, Galvanized Revolutionary
Chopper Base
April 21
This is one of THE decks to beat. I have no interest in playing it but I play against it in Forcetable all the time and it's very hard to beat.
May 3
Is there anyone else having an issue being able to print proxies? I'm trying to print a few cards I cannot get at the moment, and it seems like the feature is bugged. Anyone else having this issue?
May 3
Apparently the proxies are unavailable. I hope they fix it soon.
May 6
Proxies have been fixed! :)
May 17
curious to know if this deck is still good as im finally finished building it?
May 24
without Millenium Falcon this deck loses much of its potential. in addition without For A Cause...... it loses all of its potential...
August 18
Thank you very much, this is the first deck I've made, and it's not expensive either.
November 12
Look pretty good i am copying it. Thns bro.
December 5
Where is for a cause?
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