Jade Throne Red Chewie


Created by Shey on 3/11/2024

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Try on forcetable

Leader (1)
1 x Chewbacca, Walking Carpet
Base (1)
1 x Catacombs of Cadera
Ground units (24)
3 x SpecForce Soldier
3 x Guardian of the Whills
1 x Sabine Wren, Explosives Artist
2 x Jedha Agitator
3 x Yoda, Old Master
3 x Wilderness Fighter
3 x Cloud City Wing Guard
2 x Fleet Lieutenant
1 x General Dodonna, Massassi Group Commander
1 x Obi-Wan Kenobi
1 x Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
1 x Mace Windu, Party Crasher
Space units (9)
3 x Restored ARC-170
3 x Green Squadron A-Wing
2 x Red Three, Unstoppable
1 x Black One, Scourge of Starkiller Base
Events (11)
2 x Force Throw
1 x Power Failure
2 x The Force Is With Me
3 x Takedown
1 x Vanquish
2 x Bombing Run
Upgrades (6)
2 x Electrostaff
2 x Devotion
2 x Jedi Lightsaber


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Print Proxies

Here you can choose the format that the proxies should be printed in. Make sure to support your local game store!

Export to TTS

There are multiple ways to export to TTS. Here, we'll explain how they work and how you can use them.

1. Import as TTS object.

Download the JSON file using the following button. Place this file in your TTS Saved Objects folder. After this, you'll be able to spawn your deck in the Components UI.

Download saved object

2. Import within SWU mod.

Within some of the Star Wars Unlimited mods on TTS, you are able to import a deck by using the Deck Builder. You can import your deck by clicking on the buttom below to copy your json and then paste it in the Deck Builder to spawn your deck.

Copy to clipboard