3-1 at local game night, performs well in general playtesting vs any deck. Easily upgradable with rares (I run Wolffes now over ST Liuetenant).
Some general strategy notes:
- Mulligan aggressively for 1 drops, Turn 1 is almost always 2 1s, not 1 2. Ideally a TIE fighter and a ground unit to split attention.
- Attack the base, and never trade unless a sentinel is in the way, make them use their actions to deal with you, not the other way around
- Hold open an answer for their leader to more safely deploy IG, often getting 5 damage in with him is enough though
- Stop resourcing at 5 to get out IG unless you have top deck a Raider, and play two cards a turn to try and get the last damage in
This deck can and will get in under most greedy decks, and they must draw their answers or they simply die. Make them have it. Good luck!