Not quite your usual full aggro Sabine list.
I choose to take this deck in a midrange direction and included cards like U-Wing, Zeb, Akbar and Bright Hope with the intention of trying to increase the average card quality. While keeping all of the most aggressive openers such as any turn 1 play + t2 Fleet lieutenant/wing leader. This deck also has retained its early game advantage in the ability to play in the arena opposite of your opponent. Early pressure combos along with free base damage from Sabine activations while curving out and applying consistent pressure and base damage is our win condition.
Cards im not playing and why:
Rebel Assault - I understand in theory this card is good because it lets you cheat on action economy allowing you to push damage before they get to trade into your units. However I am VERY suspicious of this card.. because you're not always able to take advantage of the action economy if your opponent is on par with your board state or if you dont start with initiative. Feels like a nonbo when you should want to activate sabine as much as possible. Otherwise you're passing up on 4+ damage. And keeping the initiative early doesnt always feel correct with Sabine. T1 could be a leader activation to buy time to see where they play a unit. This card does add 2 damage, however I think you can find better sources of damage. - as a side note I DO think that this ability is good on Leia because its not trying to fight for sabine activations and being able to consistently use this affect really helps maintain initiative rather than a one time use. Leia activation doesnt cost a card or a mana. If you're wanting to be more aggressive I think Leia may out perform Sabine in raw speed and early pressure. This Sabine list struggles with the Leia decks and I would not recommend not activating sabine in the early turns.
Steadfast Battalion - Not playing this could be a mistake. This card does serve a very important role in helping to take out opposing leaders. Mostly I hate not being able to ensure full damage off For a Cause I believe in. I also tend to want to use my ECL aggressively on T3 and haste out a K2SO. I tend to try and use my Medal Ceremonies on T3. If you can attack with something from T1/T2, ECL out a K2SO and flip and attack with Sabine. You can easily have 3 targets for your Medal Ceremony. And Steadfast is considerably worse when it isnt getting ambushed out. It also can be hard to keep Sabine out for a round with Takedowns/Force Chokes running around.
Cards im playing instead:
U-Wing Reinforcement (Copies 2 and 3) - U-wing puts in work in the Boba and Control match ups. Its great vs Boba because it allows you to bounce back after their Boba Leader turns. If you can maintain parody with them thru this you can easily pull ahead with a U-Wing. It also helps maintain a board state against opposing vaders. For the control matchups its a great way to rebuild a board after a Super Laser Blast and move over the top of the 1 for 1 trading. Plus it allows for many cute interactions to happen with cards like Ackbar and Bright Hope. Part of why I am playing 2 copies of SpecForce Soldier is to be able to maximize on the 7 cost worth of units.
Ackbar - Helps deal with shields, helps in early trades and a tiny bit of mainboard healing can really be critical in the aggro match ups. Its also great to flip off U-Wing. He also carries Medal Ceremony and Dodanna pumps well.
Bright Hope - Buys back Spec Forces, Ackbar, Fleet Lieutenants and damaged units. Also allows for additional damage triggers from your Fighters for Freedom. Makes it difficult to get early trades on your other space units.
Im always open to feedback and futher discussion. :)