This deck tries to leverage free deploys from Vader, Cobb, and Quarry for a toolbox approach to each game. The ECL and three Timely Interventions, on top of your six force ambush units, allow for surprises that often leave your opponent’s side of the arena bare. This pairs nicely with Palp’s ability to throw dudes for damage—as well as little Salacious working overtime! Flood the arena with little utility dudes and chip away at their life while you’re several turns ahead on resources.
The ramp in the deck allows to get to these top end cards and deploy your leader. With all the ambush, Price is just better than Resupply. The dream of Price turn one into ECL Superlaser Tech next turn to push two resources ahead is so good.
The deck also a lot of healing. The Yularen/Crumb combo and Walker will keep you alive well after you should be. Not to mention 10 sentinels.
The deck has a weakness to space kind of. We have our Black Suns—which can ambush if needed or be buffed with Command. Barrage can help with this, as can a steal from Palp. Lurking Phantoms can be a pain, as they are for many decks, hence the one off Starviper to help slow this down—can be found off Quarryc, but could be any card really.
The deck also a nice combo in Palp/Motti. With the ability to recur Motti with Command, this allows for a longer play loop after your opponent claims: attack with Palp, throw Motti, ready Palp, and draw a card.