This deck is part of the first Star Wars:Unlimited league I created — a collection of 12 decks, all from the initial Spark of Rebellion set. At the time of entry, that league is almost finished, having gone through a 22-game, double-round-robin season to test the concept. It's been a lot of fun, so much so that Leagues 2 and 3 have already been formed, though I won't play all of those games via paper (as I have with the League 1 test).
Tarkin was one of the first decks built because of this Imperial synergy, something not as valuable as it sounds. Yes, he got the pick of Imperials, just as Leia got the pick of Rebels and Hera got all the Spectres. But between the limitations a base puts on the selection and my early ignorance in deck building, this is a weird one.