This deck is part of the first Star Wars:Unlimited league I created — a collection of 12 decks, all from the initial Spark of Rebellion set. At the time of entry, that league is almost finished, having gone through a 22-game, double-round-robin season to test the concept. It's been a lot of fun, so much so that Leagues 2 and 3 have already been formed, though I won't play all of those games via paper (as I have with the League 1 test).
Imwe was one of the last decks built for the league. Once the first 8-9 decks were made, the rest ended up being "do we even have enough with this aspect to make a deck?" When the prospect of Imwe came up, the idea of loading up a few characters with upgrades or force benefits was enough to get a deck. There really wasn't a grand plan to it.