Lando Manchester OPE Dale Barker

By LordNnub

Normal Deck



Lando Calrissian, With Impeccable Taste



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Ground units (10)

3 x
Cantina Braggart
3 x
Reckless Gunslinger
3 x
Benthic "Two Tubes"
2 x
Greedo, Slow on the Draw
3 x
Sabine Wren, Explosives Artist
2 x
Leia Organa, Defiant Princess
2 x
L3-37, Droid Revolutionary
3 x
Fighters For Freedom
3 x
Cassian Andor, Rebellions are built on Hope
3 x

Space units (3)

3 x
Cartel Turncoat
3 x
Green Squadron A-Wing
3 x
Millennium Falcon Piece of Junk

Events (4)

2 x
Daring Raid
2 x
Heroic Sacrifice
3 x
Surprise Strike
2 x
Sneak Attack

Upgrades (2)

3 x
Hotshot DL-44 Blaster
2 x
Armed to the Teeth



4 days ago

Side Deck 3 SpecForce Soldier 2 Confiscate 2 Bamboozle 2 Wolffe, Suspicious Veteran 1 Leia Organa, Defiant Princess


4 days ago

This Lando deck is a highly strategic and aggressive swarm-based build that thrives on creating a board presence early, overwhelming opponents, and then capitalizing on key units like Cassian Andor and Fighters for Freedom to push for victory. The general approach focuses on rapid early-game aggression, establishing a wide field of units, and then applying pressure with strong ready-to-attack characters and surprise plays. Key to the strategy is the use of Leia, who serves as a resource engine. She helps to ramp up the deck's tempo by either swinging out additional 1-drop units on turn 1 (if not already having two 1-drops) or playing 2-drop units on turn 2. Her ability to exhaust enemy targets, such as Rey, on the flip turn, provides vital disruption to slow down opponents. Cassian Andor is a linchpin of the deck, but rather than playing him directly from hand, the player resources multiple copies of him. This allows for repeated use of his powerful ability to bring out ready units at crucial moments, especially after the opponent has stabilized the board. The combination of Falcon, Cassian, and Sneak Attack provides versatile ways to drop ready units and secure the final damage to close out games. The deck has particular strengths in the Han blue matchup, where Tarkintown plays a crucial role in disrupting key Han actions, followed by swarming the board to win before opponents can reach their key strategies like Luke Skywalker. There’s also a clever use of Cantina Braggart, a 1-drop unit with 3 health, making it resistant to ping damage and providing additional versatility in different matchups. The versatility of the 1-drop units is a major strength, as they allow the deck to adapt to various opponent strategies. Overall, the deck requires some finesse to pilot effectively but can be extremely rewarding once mastered, especially with its ability to generate massive board pressure and capitalize on surprise ready unit plays. The key to success with this deck is quick swarming, efficient resource management, and making use of key cards to outlast and outmaneuver opponents.

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Export to TTS

There are multiple ways to export to TTS. Here, we'll explain how they work and how you can use them.

1. Import as TTS object.

Download the JSON file using the following button. Place this file in your TTS Saved Objects folder. After this, you'll be able to spawn your deck in the Components UI.

Download saved object

2. Import within SWU mod.

Within some of the Star Wars Unlimited mods on TTS, you are able to import a deck by using the Deck Builder. You can import your deck by clicking on the buttom below to copy your json and then paste it in the Deck Builder to spawn your deck.

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